VODBot Vision® (Vial Open Draw sample roBot) is a liquid handling system designed specifically for the precision sampling of human saliva.
VODBot Vision® is an automated liquid handling solution for processing analyte from individual screwcap sample vials, where the incoming volume of analyte may vary sample-by- sample, to microplate format.
ViSION precisely measures the volume of analyte before and after aspiration allowing a precise fraction of the sample to be transferred, simplifying downstream processes.
Precision plunge control with fully configurable aspiration profile for the most repeatable extraction.
ReTorque uncapping system provides automated opening and resealing minimising handling and increasing operator safety, repeatability and reproducibility.
Incoming analyte volume varies per sample but consistent volume fraction is extracted
Typical performance specifications
15 second cycles (24 minutes for 96 well plate)
+/- 1% volume repeatability at 100 uL sample