XYris systems combine the benefits of an instrument for the measurement of the intricate detail of surface form and texture, while retaining capability for large scale, high precision coordinate measurement in a single convenient package.
XYRIS 20/20
Uses a confocal white-light sensor with a vision system. It automatically measures and analyses the thickness and wear of polymer coatings with nanometric precision.
Bespoke systems for your precise needs.
XYRIS 2000
Offering motion system ranges of upto 300mm x 300mm with 100nm positional resolution and incorporating any of our sensor options.
A robotic liquid handling system for precision sampling of human saliva.
VODBot @
The state-of-the-art motion control and machine vision system automatically load, measure and extract samples with total cycle time under 22 seconds.
XYRIS 4000
A compact system providing a 25mm x 25mm measurement area with 10nm positional resolution.
A solid state high-speed arc imaging system for measuring transient arc motion in circuit switching devices.

Our XYRIS series of three dimensional (3D) measurement systems features ease of use, high precision, and measurement speed and flexibility thanks to the modular nature of the systems.
Because data generated by the systems is available as a 3D surface map standard tasks such as extraction of surface information (feature measurement, profiling cross sections, roughness and form analysis, volume calculation, wear analysis, etc) are easy to perform and built into our stand alone analysis package BODDIES. Data can also be exported as 3D files, raw data (including Excel format) or images enabling the creation of professional reports in minutes.
Automated measurement functions are part of the standard control software and enable you to perform repeat or automated measurements at the touch of a button. Fully customised and automated systems can be developed for your precise needs saving you time and money.
XYris systems combine the benefits of an instrument for the measurement of the intricate detail of surface form and texture, while retaining capability for large scale, high precision coordinate measurement in a single convenient package.
An important feature of the XYris systems is the measurement region is defined by the user, not the system optics. The XYris series provide the same high resolution of surface height over the entire measurement region, if this is a few micrometres or hundreds of millimetres.
XYris systems use confocal sensors which have their own internal light source (Laser or White light), and are able to measure all types of materials and surfaces; polymers, metals, ceramics, films, diffuse (rough), specular (reflective), and transparent.

VODBot Vision® (Vial Open Draw sample roBot) is a liquid handling system designed specifically for the precision sampling of human saliva.
VODBot Vision® is an automated liquid handling solution for processing analyte from individual screwcap sample vials, where the incoming volume of analyte may vary sample-by- sample, to microplate format.
ViSION precisely measures the volume of analyte before and after aspiration allowing a precise fraction of the sample to be transferred, simplifying downstream processes.
Precision plunge control with fully configurable aspiration profile for the most repeatable extraction.
ReTorque uncapping system provides automated opening and resealing minimising handling and increasing operator safety, repeatability and reproducibility.


Incoming analyte volume varies per sample but consistent volume fraction is extracted
Typical performance specifications
15 second cycles (24 minutes for 96 well plate)
+/- 1% volume repeatability at 100 uL sample

TaiCaan Research have developed a solid state high speed arc imaging system.
Measuring arc motion in circuit switching devices is crucial to understanding their behaviour and refining their design.
Arcing events are brief (often entirely completed in <10ms) and explosive with an extremely high dynamic range of event intensity. The transient arc motion during these events can be measured in terms of micro or even nanoseconds. These characteristics make conventional photography and ultra-high speed video impractical.
In nature the solution to track rapid motion is the compound eye where an array of micro lenses operate together.

- Maximum spatial and displacement resolution achieved over entire measurement area – unlike field techniques wherethe highest resolution is only achieved with the smallest measurement field.
- Nanoscale surface analysis and macroscale form measurement in one instrument.
- True 3D measurement – the measurement is a point cloud of true surface measurement points rather than anapproximate interpretation of a surface image.