VODBot VISION®​ VODBot Vision APPLICATION NOTE Automatic Liquid Handling for precision sampling of human saliva Automatic liquid handling system Precision sampling of non-Newtownian fluids (saliva) High Speed Vial Opening and Sample Extraction Vision System of high precision level sensing Fixed or dynamic volume extraction 15 second cycle time (24 minutes for 96 well plate) Built-in …

Test 1 Read More »

VODBot VISION®​ VODBot Vision APPLICATION NOTE Automatic Liquid Handling for precision sampling of human saliva Automatic liquid handling system Precision sampling of non-Newtownian fluids (saliva) High Speed Vial Opening and Sample Extraction Vision System of high precision level sensing Fixed or dynamic volume extraction 15 second cycle time (24 minutes for 96 well plate) Built-in …

VODBot Vision Sampling Human Saliva Read More »

Using BEX to measure 3D Surface Roughness from X-Ray Computed Tomography (XCT): applied to a Dental Artefact 3D X-Ray Computed Tomography (XCT) is widely used in medical imaging and increasing used in additive and traditional manufacturing, due to its ability to provide high quality imaging for complex 3D components. The Challenge – To apply XCT …

X-Ray (XCT) Surface Roughness Data Processing Read More »

intra oral dental scanner The Application – Development of the Intra Oral Scanner (IOS) allows for the digital reproduction of the tooth and gum interface through optical scanning (Digital Dentistry) without the use of traditional impression materials. The Problem – Understanding the magnitude and location of the measurement errors.  The Solution – the use of …

Intra Oral Dental Scanner Read More »

XYRIS 4000CL (OR WL) SYSTEM EXAMPLE The XYRIS 4000 CL (Confocal Laser) is a compact state of the art surface profiling system that is capable of measuring form and thickness of various surfaces. It incorporates a CCD camera for on screen viewing of the surface under investigation, helping to identify areas or features of interest …

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XYRIS 2000 TL (TRIANGULAR LASER) SYSTEM EXAMPLE The XYRIS 2000 TL is a versatile machine, integrating size and speed in one convenient package. It is a medium level system and can be manufactured to a variety of specifications encompassing a range of sensor and motion system options. Systems are typically up to 200mm x 300mm …

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WEAR AND TEXTURE ANALYSIS OF MARINE HULL COATING SYSTEMS Marine fouling increases operator costs – fuel consumption, dry dock time, lost revenue TBT ban – increasing legislation on Cu biocides – requirement for novel coating systems Development and optimisation of coating solutions requires many formulations based on intended marine application – static fouling exposure to high …


DENTAL EROSION AND TOOTH WEAR Tooth wear arises from multiple causes but most commonly from physical damage, acidic attack and tooth disease The resultant wear can be considered at multiple scales with each scale presenting unique problems for the accurate quantification of wear At the macro scale – complete arch sets or individual teeth – …


ELECTRICAL SWITCHING CONTACT WEAR & EROSION Electrical Contacts experience severe erosion from the action of the arc during switching Electric Arcing occurs during most switching operations and is effectively a high current plasma. Effects of individual switching events may be subtle but cumulative effects will still determine switching device reliability and lifetime Contact wear is fundamentally …


MEASURING SKIN Filtering Surfaces for Textural Analysis. Where there exist textures, repeating units or structures it is often illuminating to characterise those units quantitatively. Features could be defects on a machined surface or microstructures designed to encourage turbulence at the microfluidic scale. In this case we have an impression of human skin. Quantifying the structure of …